Wednesday, June 07, 2006

safeco tonight....

a wonderful night with my uncle kevin. m's over the twins, 4-2, pitching duel..Liriano and Rodriguez...Johjima rwo for three.. the heart breaks for Eddie Guardardo, c'mon Eddie, you're the type of guy we like, just get through an inning...those of us who matter will are a good pitcher...what is next? let us know, we'll help ya..son?...centerfield girl with vertical blue and white stripes accentuated, sushi prices are a bit much...Kevin was pissed, in the Kev was too much, trying to keep up with the game and not being persuaded by the lore. it's always there, lore. and sport really likes its new friend, lore.
Next question.....



At 12:34 PM, Blogger JJisafool said...

I'm partial to JJ. Time for young blood.

And, I gotta say, overall, I like this team. Digging on the young middle infielders, like the I outfielders Ichiro and Ibanez.

My next game isn't until late July. BoSox with Fullerton.


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